The Fine Art Of Dying Gracefully

“Moving from the physical to the non-physical is the greatest moment in your life, so it is very important that you make it happen gracefully and wonderfully.”


People ask me, “If death is inevitable, why should I spend time and energy preparing for it?” Don't forget that what you refer to as death is a unique happening. Almost everything else in your life may happen many times over, but the final moment, when you transcend the limitations of your physical body, will happen only once in your lifetime. Moving from the physical to the non-physical is the greatest moment in your life, so it is very important that you make it happen gracefully and wonderfully.

To go to a neighbouring city, you typically just hop on to a bus and go. You don’t book a seat on the bus ten days in advance, pack a huge suitcase, meals and provisions. But if you are to make a long journey through unfamiliar terrain, you might do all this and more. Likewise, when compared to the journey after death, the journey from your birth to death is just a short one. The time you spend in an embodied state is nothing compared to the time spent in a disembodied state. Yet, you have made a disproportionate level of preparation for this.

You have bought enough clothes for three lifetimes, footwear for eight lifetimes, and much else! It is time to start making adequate preparations for the journey after death, too.

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