I Face a Lot of Friction – What to Do?

“Inner Engineering means just this: that you can sit here without any friction. If you can sit here without any friction, outside friction will also go down.”


I see this happening every day, to a large percentage of people. Let’s say some task has to be done. If it does not happen, the initial instinct in most people is to think it is because of some other person that it did not happen. They tend to point fingers at others. A whole lot of people look for some metaphysical reason as to why something did not happen. They are even blaming me, “Sadhguru, your Grace is not working.” From day one of the Inner Engineering program, or even from the free introductory talk, we have been trying to nail this one thing into your head: If something is not working, obviously it is not done well.

Maybe you are not able to figure it right now, but if something did not work the way it should, obviously something was not done right. But people look for metaphysical solutions. For a whole lot of people, this is what mysticism means: they complicate simple things in their lives and think that is mystical. No, mysticism means to make the most mystical things – things that you cannot perceive through your five senses or your fundamental logic – available in a reasonably logical way. To make simple things unavailable and metaphysical is not mysticism of any kind.

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