Why Do People Fall Out of Love?

“The important thing is that you create a little distance between yourself and your own personality, then you will see that you will even enjoy yourself. And once you enjoy this person, you will see everyone is wonderful. You can enjoy everyone because now you see people for who they are, not having some framework into which they must fit into.”


Your experience of love is that you feel a certain sweetness of emotion within yourself. We do not know who stimulates this in you, but essentially it happens within you. Maybe what was happening within you was so exuberant that you saw it everywhere. When you were in love, you thought the flowers bloomed for you, the birds are singing for you, the clouds are moving for you. I do not want to destroy all the romance, but essentially it is happening within you.

It is wonderful that you are experiencing such sweetness of emotion stimulated by someone. You are using the other person as a key to open up an experience within you. But why are you using a key when there is no lock, no door, no barrier of any kind? It is just that you are a push-start machine. If you owned an Ambassador car twenty-five years ago, you would have always parked it on a gradient, because two people had to push it in the morning to get it to start. Nowadays all the cars are self-start. Many of them are remote start. Would you like to upgrade your technology so that you are on self-start? If you wake up in the morning, you should be overflowing with joy, love, and exuberance, by yourself. You should not need anyone to stimulate you.

Read the full article on Isha Foundation Site.

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