Free of constraints, you are the Universe

“Yoga simply means extending this sensory body to include not just food but entire existence.”


Who exactly is a yogi? Yoga, as is often reiterated, means union. So, yogis are those who have experienced existence as a part of themselves. But is that possible? If you are a part of existence, how can existence be a part of you?

Let’s consider the simple act of eating. In a few hours, food is integrated by the human system to become you. You have assimilated an external piece of existence within the boundaries of your sensory body. This miraculous alchemy of human digestion takes place every single day. Yoga simply means extending this sensory body to include not just food but entire existence. It prepares the human physical, mental and energy system to house life-energy in its highest possible intensity and exuberance. Gradually, the sensory body expands until you experience the universe as part of yourself. When you know this experientially, you are a yogi.

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