A Powerful Way to Transform Yourself

“Think about it for the next one or two days and create a proper image for yourself; what should be the fundamental nature of your thought and emotion. Before we create something, let’s really see, if what we are creating now is better than what we have.”


Every human being, either consciously or unconsciously, through the process of what we call life, creates a certain image, a certain personality of himself. This image that you have created within yourselves has nothing to do with the reality. It has nothing to do with the self, your inner nature. It is a certain image that you have built, most of the time unconsciously. Everybody has some image of what they are. Very few human beings have built a conscious image of themselves. All others have built images according to whatever kind of patterns or external situations they fell into.

Now, why don’t we create a new self-image consciously, the way you really want to be? If you are intelligent enough, if you are aware enough, you can recast your image, a totally new image, whichever way you really want it. It is possible. But you should be willing to leave the old one. This is not pretension. Instead of acting unconsciously, you act consciously. You can create that kind of image which supports you best; that kind of image which creates maximum harmony around you; that kind of image which has least friction. You create that kind of an image which is closest to your inner nature. What kind of an image, do you think, is closest to your inner nature? Please see, the inner nature is very silent, not dominant but very forceful. Very subtle but very forceful. Now that is what we need to do; the grosser elements within you–your anger, your limitations must be chopped off. Create a new self-image, which is subtle but tremendously forceful.

Read the full article on Isha Foundation Site.

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