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“Joyfulness is not an emotion, joyfulness is a certain way, a certain pleasantness that creeps into every aspect of your life, and that's why you're joyful.”


Joyfulness is not an emotion, joyfulness is a certain way, a certain pleasantness that creeps into every aspect of your life, and that's why you're joyful. It is not that somebody told you a joke and you laughed. That is okay, a momentary Joy but it cannot last. You cannot be laughing at jokes all the time.

If at every moment of your life, somebody tells you a joke, jokes will become absolutely sick, you know? It is like this with everything. Whether it is music, dance, love or relationships, they can become sick if you try to overdo any of those things. But, your being is never going to be sick, because that's the basis of your existence.

Read the full article on Joy 24 x 7.

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