Breaking Your Habits – Living Consciously

“Every movement in your life, if you make it consciously, every single movement has tremendous power. If you want to know the power of life, you have to be conscious about it, otherwise it does not even exist for you.”


Let us look at this from a different perspective. A habit is formed essentially because it brings a certain ease to your life–it makes certain parts of your life automatic. You do not have to think or consider anything about it. You can do it just like that.

Naturally, as a part of a human being’s defense mechanism, he forms a few habits because unlike other animals, we have not come with many of our traits fixed. For other animals, most of their traits are fixed. You notice just a little bit of difference between one dog and the next, between one cat and the next. They have their individual personality, but most of their traits are fixed. For us, extremely little is fixed. Almost everything is wide open for a human being. Because of this, as a child, you try to form a defense pattern within yourself where you try to create your own patterns.

Read the full article on Isha Foundation Site.

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