Creating a Wave of Consciousness around the World

“Raising consciousness means to make people hungry for something more than food, money, wealth, pleasure—to make them hungry to know something bigger than what they know right now.”
One tremendous thing today in the world is, for the first time, sitting here, we can talk to the whole world. Never before was such a thing possible. We have the technological capability to do that today. I’m sure the Adiyogi himself will envy me today because even he could not speak to the whole world. He had to send seven of his people. But today we can sit here and talk to the whole world, we can speak to them in their homes—they don’t even have to step out on the street. I can whisper what I want into the whole world’s ears. Technology has reached such a state.
This will not happen if we put too much emphasis on Isha. We don’t want to become like a governmental kind of setup. I don’t think an organization should grow. If you have such ambitions, you must keep them aside. We should make Isha into a powerful and effective tool to deliver what we want to deliver, but we have no intentions of making Isha a world-conquering institution or something like that. We are not some Mogambo, you know. Shambho, no Mogambo.
Read the full article on Isha Foundation Site.
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