Kalabhairava Karma–A Process for the Departed

“One may have a finer sense of discernment than the other, but essentially you are dividing that which cannot be divided in its ultimate nature.”


This process called “Kalabhairava Karma.” This is for the dead only, to ensure that their new location is a better place. When someone dies, you think that person is dead, but as far as that person is concerned, he just lost his body and everything that he knew as life. When he lost his body, he also lost his discretionary mind. What does losing your discretion mean? Let's say somebody that you know died and you became sad and miserable. Maybe you will grieve for a while, but after a certain passage of time, you will employ your discretion. “There is no point just going on like this, let me get back to whatever I need to do.” But someone who is unable to employ his discretion will stay in that state for a long time, because the discretionary mind is not functioning as it should. Whatever his tendencies are, those tendencies will multiply. If he had pleasant tendencies, pleasant tendencies will snowball; if he had unpleasant tendencies, that will avalanche into something extremely unpleasant.

Every culture has been aware of this–irrespective of where or what religion–when a man is dying, whoever he may be, you must create a pleasant atmosphere. Even if your enemy is dying, at that one moment you do not create unpleasantness for him. Either the last moment or just after, we can still touch that life in such a way that pleasantness will seep into that life. Once even a drop of pleasantness is put into him, this will become an ocean of pleasantness after some time because he has no discretion.

Read the full article on Isha Foundation Site.

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