Make Religion A Purely Personal Pursuit

“Peace is no longer a luxury in this world. It is our only hope of survival. There is only one way forward for humanity: to move from Religion to Responsibility. This is no longer a utopian dream. It is an urgent necessity. Let us make it happen.”


The situation in Afghanistan has provoked worldwide consternation. The destruction of an entire region in our lifetimes, the terrible disruption of people’s lives, the human rights violations, the plight of women and girl children in the land, the dangerous cocktail of religious, military, and political power—all this is nothing short of a humanitarian crisis.

“What can spirituality do to bring peace to a planet ravaged by wildly contrary religious affiliations and political perspectives?” I am often asked. If we genuinely want to become part of the solution, not the problem, we have to start asking ourselves some simple but tough questions: who are we? What kind of a world do we want to create for ourselves? How did we start imparting teachings that have turned us utterly inhuman?

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