Philanthropy and charity are not the answer

“Though we are a microscopic speck in the cosmic scale, we delude ourselves that we are the center of creation.”


A huge tusker was crossing a wooden bridge. A fly was perched on his left earlobe. After they got across, the fly said, “Hey, didn’t we really shake up that bridge?” That sums up the human attitude today. Though we are a microscopic speck in the cosmic scale, we delude ourselves that we are the centre of creation. We think the planet is in peril when only human existence and well-being are truly imperilled.

We are now moving from the dominance of ideology, power and faith to an era of economic leadership. You could never get any two leaders to agree on anything. Religious leaders couldn’t, because if they did, their business was imperilled. Military leaders couldn’t, because there would be no more borders to defend if they did. And political leaders, as we know, never agree on anything. But business leaders are willing to make a deal with just about anybody – if the deal is good!

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