Push start and self-start

“The very way you are making your life, you're making it a no-win possibility.

... It is just that you have kept the starter button outside.”


Whenever you experience a certain amount of Joy, it always blossoms from within and finds an external expression. It never rains upon you. So definitely it is from within. It is just that you have kept the starter button outside.

If the Sun is up there, you can't be joyous because it has to set. The Sun must set for you to be happy. For 12 hours he is up there, but that's not good enough. Those few moments when he is rising and setting are the only moments you can be joyful. This is what you have done to your life also. When he is up there, you curse him, you cannot be joyful.

Read the full article on Joy 24 x 7.

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