Sadhguru Talks About the Meaning of Education

“Education is not about molding children the way you think they should be. Education is about organizing the natural longing in a human being to know.”
The pressure is only because you are putting two absolutely unique beings in comparison. Is there one more person exactly like you on this planet? No. There is only one like you. Each being is an absolutely unique being. That is so for your child also. Pressure arises because you are trying to put them all into the same compartment, comparing them and making them feel better or worse about it.
It is parents who have brought in competition and comparison because for most parents, the point is not education, it is about “first rank.” All they want is that their children should sit on top of every other child’s head. Their whole effort in their life is to sit on top of the pile. Everyone wants to sit on top of the pile but only a few can be on top. The others will naturally end up at the bottom and if our focus is just to sit on top of the pile, others will naturally get suffocated under the pile. This is bound to happen, there is no other way.
Read the full article on Isha Foundation Site.
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