Science, Mysticism and the Longing to Know

“Today, all the conflict on this planet is not between ‘good and evil’ as people try to project; it is always about one man's belief versus another man's belief. You believe something, I believe something else. We are bound to fight some day; there is no question about it.”


When we utter the word "mysticism," people think of all kinds of weird things. So, what is mysticism? Whatever you are unable to perceive and understand, that is mysticism for you right now. Mysticism is just those dimensions of life that a large part of humanity has not bothered to seek and perceive.

Mysticism means to be in the "know" of life, to know the processes of life, to understand and perceive what life is about. Essentially, only what you perceive you know; the rest is all imagination. Whatever people cannot perceive right now, they are trying to imagine and believe. Belief systems have created a phenomenal amount of division in humanity. Today, all the conflict on this planet is not between "good and evil" as people try to project; it is always about one man's belief versus another man's belief. You believe something, I believe something else. We are bound to fight some day; there is no question about it.

Read the full article on Huffington Post.

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