Social Democracy, Idealism And Moral Integrity

“Without a widespread spiritual movement, mere policies and principles will never be enough.” —Sadhguru

This month of April marks the birth anniversary of one of India’s most tireless campaigners against social discrimination. As lawmaker, Babasaheb Ambedkar spearheaded the creation of a landmark Constitution that protects a range of human rights and civil liberties, including the abolition of all forms of discrimination, based on caste, class, religion and gender. It is a formidable legacy, fuelled by a fundamental dream of humanity for all.

More than sixty years after his time, the dream continues to remain deeply relevant. While this country can proudly claim to be the world’s largest political democracy, it is yet to turn into a vibrant social democracy. The privileges of pedigree are still flaunted in every sphere, from the political and religious to the economic and cultural. We are far from the ideal of a robust and credible meritocracy.

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