What is the True Meaning of Grace and How to Become Available to Grace?

“Grace means you are no longer looking for an outside source of light; you have become the source of light.”


Energy functions in various manifestations in existence. It functions as sunlight, breeze, gravity, and it also functions as grace. Gravity is trying to pull you down; the breeze is trying to blow you away; the Sun is trying to burn you up; grace is trying to pluck you off the planet. This is using negative terminology. If you want to express the same in positive terminology, the Earth is trying to hug you; the breeze is trying to cool you; the Sun is trying to warm you; grace is trying to make you grow. Let us go by the negative terminology because you will not get attached to it. Grace is trying to pluck you out of the limitations in which you are stuck right now.

What we can do with our strength, intelligence and knowledge is very limited. If you open the window of grace, then life will happen in ways that you have not imagined possible. “How do I do this?” is always the question. It is not something that you do; it is something that you do not do. If you leave a certain space within you where your thoughts, emotions, ideas, philosophies, ideologies and prejudices do not enter, then grace will be a torrential force in your life. If you are full of your own stuff, then grace floats around you. This is the tragedy of most human life that a tremendous possibility hangs around them all the time, but they never allow it to happen. The idea, focus and methodology for all spiritual process is just to tear down your persona so that there is an empty presence within you which will become a doorway to grace and possibilities that you yourself could never imagine possible.

Read the full article on Isha Foundation Site.

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