Whole & Well
“There are any number of people who are medically healthy, but not healthy in the real sense because they do not experience a sense of wellness within themselves.”
Balance energies within to be healthy in the real sense, says SADHGURU JAGGI VASUDEV of Isha Foundation
Fundamentally, the word health itself comes from the root word ‘whole’.What we call, ‘feeling healthy’,is that we have a sense of wholeness within us. If we are free of diseases medically, that is not health. If we feel like a complete human being in our body, mind and spirit, that is when we are really healthy. There are any number of people who are medically healthy, but not healthy in the real sense because they do not experience a sense of wellness within themselves. If one has to experience this sense of wholeness and oneness, it is important that one’s body, mind, and above all, one’s energy functions at a certain level of intensity within themselves. Physically, as per medical terms,one may be healthy, but energies may be lethargic.One does not know why things don’t happen in life the way they should, both inside and outside. This is simply because one is not taking care of the wellbeing of his energy.
Read the full article on Speakingtree.in.
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