Why You Need to Connect with the Earth and 7 Ways to Do It

“You cannot live without a constant exchange with your surroundings.”


I always tell people in the Isha Yoga Center, “No matter what work you are doing, you must stick your fingers into the earth for at least for one hour a day.” Do something with the garden where your hands get muddy. This will build a natural physical memory in you that you are mortal. If you are sticking your hands into the earth every day, your body will know that it is not permanent. The body has a memory of its own which is far more significant than the mental memory. Right now, the memory that your body carries is ruling you far more than the memories of your mind.

If you are close to the earth, you are constantly being reminded that you are mortal–physiologically, on the cellular level, and on the elemental level. This reminder of mortality is the most key element in your spiritual process. You would long to know something beyond the body only because you know it will end one day. If this body was immortal, who would sit and meditate, who would want to know anything beyond this? Even if you are not consciously aware, somewhere deep down, you know that your expiry date is on. Mortality is the fundamental of spiritual process. If you are reminded of your mortality, you will naturally want to know.

Read the full article on Isha Foundation Site.

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