Don’t Be A Calamity

“The quality of your life depends on how well you manage your body, mind and emotion, your situations, your life in general and the world.”


Generally, we think of management only in terms of economic situations, not life as a whole. But fundamentally, life is management. The quality of your life depends on how well you manage your body, mind and emotion, your situations, your life in general and the world. If you look at how many moments of happiness you experienced every day when you were five years of age, and how many moments you experience today, is that number moving up or down? For most people, it goes down with age. That means you are a bad manager. Because, after all, everything you do in your life is in pursuit of happiness.

You educate yourself, you pursue careers, you build families or you run after your ambitions, you do so many things because you believe fulfilling those things will bring you happiness. After doing all that, if happiness is going down instead of multiplying, that means you are a bad manager of yourself.

Read the full article on Isha Foundation Site.