On Fire in the Cold

“Lack of fire of life is slow suicide. I am always for speed and efficiency on all fronts of life.” —Sadhguru

Here at the iii (Isha Institute of Inner-sciences); the night temperatures dropping below -10° C. The bareness of winter contrasted hugely with the enthusiasm and energy of our volunteers, who assembled here for a three-day Sathsang – over 1100 of them. The blessedness of Isha is we are always among highly inspired and alive people. Low enthusiasm is one atmosphere that I can’t be in, but our volunteers always create a “full on fire” situation. Lack of fire of life is slow suicide. I am always for speed and efficiency on all fronts of life.

From the torrent of travel and activity of the past two weeks, including a weeklong tour of Andhra Pradesh, two days at Isha Yoga Center, and two at Mumbai, here at the iii, life flows at a saner pace for me. I even get to just sit and gaze at the magnificent view of the bluff and faraway hills – luxuries long taken away by incessant work. With a little space between breaths, I even contemplate some poetic aspirations. Just one more day and again travelling.

These last few days, in the Lap of the Master event, people have been absolutely wonderful. And above all, many are becoming genuine seekers of great competence and intensity. It is time I spent some time out here with them. Though in America people have no cultural background of seeking, they are shaping up wonderfully well, with great possibilities.

In 2016, the focus for Isha is going to be significantly towards America – with the first book that is made for America coming out in September, a host of other events, and above all with the Abode of Adiyogi beginning to have its impact on people from across North America.

Now you will have to suffer a bit of my poetic endeavor – I am at iii.

Seasons of Slumber

Though the flowerless winter
makes the Sun sad, denied
of colourful reception. Still
chooses to shine bright as
he knows that he is the source
of the leaf and the flower.
Colour and colourlessness are
just features of the passing season
like the sweetness of life is devoid of reason.
Bare and cold only lie in preparation
for the bright and warm spring.
As leaf and flower shall spring
back from their seasonal slumber,
One who shines through the winter
shall for sure find flower and fruit.

The very bareness shall blossom.
Succumb not to seasons of slumber.

Love & Blessings,
