Yoga – A Dimensional Shift

“Human wellbeing will not happen by looking out. Wellbeing will happen only by turning inwards because human experience is from within. Not up, not out, but within...”
With a history of over 15,000 years, yoga has survived and flourished without any papacy, force, strong advocacy or conversion. It has survived solely on the basis of efficacy. Human wellbeing will not happen by looking out. Wellbeing will happen only by turning inwards because human experience is from within. Not up, not out, but within…that is the message of yoga day. I offer my gratitude to Bharat, land that brought yoga to the world.
Thousands of our meditators across the globe have imparted simple Upa-Yoga practices to the public in celebration of International Day of Yoga. I want to express my gratitude to all those who have offered themselves in this way. Yoga day will not be a one-day event, but a dimensional shift in the way we conduct ourselves.
Today marks the sixteenth anniversary of the Dhyanalinga Consecration. Sixteen is a significant number in the yogic culture. When Adiyogi transmitted his knowing, he explored and expounded one hundred and twelve ways in which a human being can attain to his ultimate nature. But when he saw the time it would take for his seven disciples to grasp these 112 ways, he divided them into seven parts.
Sixteen years ago, I never imagined I would still be around. I always planned to close my life by 42 or 43. Here I am…disappointing everybody.
Love & Grace,