Can Yoga Make you Available to Grace? | Sadhguru Answers

In this video, Sadhguru talks about the benefits of consuming ghee and how it can help lubricate the digestive system for better digestion.

"Grace is that dimension of life that is holding everything together." — Sadhguru

"It's the Grace of Yoga that you make yourself in such a way that you become more available to Grace than Gravity. If you're available to Gravity, you will become a creature on the planet. Nothing wrong; just limited, that's all." — Sadhguru

"Grace of Yoga means becoming available to the Grace. Grace is always there; otherwise, existence cannot be. For the lack of English words, we are using Grace. So, to become more available for that, so that your life feels elevated, small concerns are no more concerns for you." — Sadhguru