Does Sadhguru Have Fears and Insecurities?

Sadhguru answers questions from Arnab Goswami about various topics, including fear, insecurity, ego, and attachments.

"If you don't look up to anything and don't look down on anything, you'll see everything just the way it is. You will be able to navigate your life more easily if you see everything as it is. That's all it takes." —Sadhguru

"If I showed you people who haven't had a single moment of anger, agitation, or irritation in their lives for years, this would be the miracle that the world desired. This is the miracle humanity requires. If this happens to you, you will not refer to "human" as a limitation but rather as a huge possibility." —Sadhguru

"If I give you transformational tools, the only thing you have to do is learn how to use them. That's all that it requires. You don't have to believe any philosophy, you don't have to follow any ideology, and you don't have to look it up because you don't know which way it is." —Sadhguru