One Simple Tip for a Fit & Healthy Life

Sadhguru emphasizes the importance of remaining connected to the soil, our very body, and provides a simple method to do so, which can bring health and well-being on all levels. 

"You should have contact with the earth you live on if you want to live sensibly. Being in touch with the earth can complete the healing process all together." —Sadhguru

"Your body is the most intimate physicality in existence, and it is only a speck on the earth's surface. You are currently an outcrop that prances around; after a while, you will become a small mound." —Sadhguru

"You may believe many fancy things about yourself, but that’s not the reality. Somehow, the fact that we are only a small outcrop of the soil on which you are sitting is forgotten, usually until we are buried." —Sadhguru